Robin's Nest: Quilts & More
26848 W. Main Street
Edwardsburg, MI 269-663-3303
About Us
Piecing/Quilting Costs
Individual Fat Quarters
Fat Quarter Bundles
Panels/Panel Bundles
Quilt Books
Solid/KONA Cotton Fabric
Runners, Table Mats, Placemats, Wallhangings
Baby/Kids/Sports Fabrics
Fruits & Farm
Landscape Fabrics
Florals/Insects/Reproduction prints
Blenders/Scroll/Elegant Scroll/Bedrock/Vines/Fairy Frost
Baby/Kids/sports fabrics
Fabric-1/2 or 1 yard piece #4782-Packed Baseball & Bats Fabric/Elizabeth's Studio Sports Collection/Sports/Teams/outdoor summer sports
Fabric-1/2 or 1 yard piece #4781-Packed Brown Football Fabric/Elizabeth's Studio Sports Collection/Teams/outdoors summer sports
Fabric-1/2 or 1 yard piece #4779-Skateboarding Fabric/skateboards helmets/Elizabeth's Studio Sports Collection/Teams/outdoors summer sports
Fabric-1/2 or 1 yard piece #4780-Multi Colored Soccer Ball Fabric/Elizabeth's Studio Sports Collection/Teams/outdoors summer sports
Fabric-1/2 or 1 yard piece #4778-Packed Yellow Softballs & Bats Fabric/Elizabeth's Studio Sports Collection/Teams/outdoors summer sports
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd #3362-B&W/black+white check/checkered/checker flag print/board/race car/Michael Miller/Clown Check
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd piece #4733 Blue Science Boys/by Edward Miller for Michael Miller/Stem Squad/beakers/microscope bubble/rocket/molecule
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd piece #4734 Pink Science Girls/by Edward Miller for Michael Miller/Stem Squad/kids/beakers/periodic table elements
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd piece #4735 Black Science Lab/by Edward Miller for Michael Miller/Stem Squad/beakers/potions/molecules/DNA/microscope
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd #4808 Celebrate Dr. Seuss/Blue Blocks/cat in the hat/fox in socks/horton hears a who/grinch/lorax/sneetches/green eggs ham
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd #4856 Celebrate Dr. Seuss/Toss Characters/Less Text-Black/cat in the hat/fox in socks/horton hears a who/one fish two fish
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd #4855 Celebrate Dr. Seuss/Characters in Circles on light blue/cat in the hat/fox in socks/horton hears a who/grinch
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd #4809 Celebrate Dr. Seuss/Toss Characters/More Text-Grey/cat in the hat/fox in socks/horton hears a who/one fish two fish
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd #4857 Celebrate Dr. Seuss/Rainbow Stripe/red orange yellow blue green
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd #4807 Celebrate Dr. Seuss/Text Words Writing/Books/Book Phrases/Rainbow/Cat in Hat/Yertle Turtle/Fox Socks/Lorax/Grinch
Fabric-choose 1/2yd or 1yd piece #4527 Sky Bill and Bob/Best Buddies/Susybee/Ducks Ducky Bird/blue green yellow green mint sky blue
Motorcycle Fabric 7pc Fat Quarter Bundle (b580) In Motion-Motorcycle Toss on black background/red orange yellow kona/flames
Fabric-choose 1/2yd or 1yd piece #4523 Footprint Rainbow Stripe/I Spy/red orange yellow green purple blue/black shoe print/Henry Glass
Fabric-choose 1/2 or 1yd piece #4524 Cat Collars/Live Love Meow/red-pink background/bows ribbons/blue white green brown pawprints fishbone
Realistic Cat Fabric-1/2 or 1yd piece #3462/Packed Cats/Kittens/Kitty/Elizabeth's Studio/blue/teal yarn scarves on cats/multi cat fabric
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd piece #4409 Amazing Frogs on Blue/poison dart frog/amazon frogs/rainbow/red yellow green black orange/Elizabeth's Studio
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd piece #4410 Amazing Frogs on Cream/Elizabeth's Studio/poison dart frogs/amazon frogs/colorful rainforest frogs
Fabric-1/2 or 1yard piece #4553 John Deere Patch/white/Tractors/yellow green/farm animals cow chicken pig sheep/barn/fabric by the yard
Fabric-1/2 or 1 yard piece #4554 Pink John Deere/Pink Bandana/Tractors/yellow green pink/fabric by the yard
Blue Science Boys 7pc Fat Quarter Fabric Bundle (b578)/Stem Squad/beaker/periodic table/math/elements/molecule/solid red green wasabi yellow
Pink Science Girls 7pc Fat Quarter Fabric Bundle (b577)/Stem Squad/beakers/periodic table/math/elements/molecules/solid pink teal peach
more coming soon...
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd piece-Rainbow Love My Dog/Text Words Writing/Dogs Are The Best/Wow/Woof/My Dog Is My Life/paw prints bones/red blue purple
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd piece #4677 Rainbow Love My Cat Rainbow Doodle/Cats fish yarn paw prints mice/red orange blue purple green
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd #5334-Spiderman Web Mosaic/Marvel Superhero/Spidey/Digitally Printed/Springs Creative
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd piece #4088 Grey/Gray Paw Prints on Red Background/Puppy dog paw prints or kitty cat paw prints/Elizabeth's Studio
Fabric-1/2 or 1 yard piece #4582 Precious Moments/Ocean Floating/Elephants/Teddy Bears/Baby fabric/cotton/fabric by the yard
Fabric-1/2 or 1 yard piece #4552 Precious Moments/Whales/Baby fabric/cotton/fabric by the yard
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd piece #320-Frog/Frogs/lily pads/water/splash/purple flowers/Cute baby/kids print/Dana Simson/Marcus Brothers
Fabric-1yd piece #173-Mint Bedtime
Animals/Nightie Night, Baby Bright/tiny
polka dots/green/blanket/bunny/bear/cat/dog
Baby Bedtime Fabric-8pc Fat Quarter Bundle/Nightie Night/pink/blue/yellow/green/bedtime blanket/bears/cats/dogs/frogs/books/toothbrush(b548)
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd #5336 Hot Wheels/orange background/racing cars/novelty print/Springs Creative/red blue yellow grey cars
Fabric- 1/2 or 1yd piece #5335-Marvel Retro Comic Packed/white Superhero/Hulk/Thor/Ironman/Spiderman/
Captain America/Black Panther/Daredevil
Wild Dinosaur Digital Fabric Panel "Picture This" approx 35x42"/Kaufman/T-Rex Pterodactyls brontosaurs triceratops raptor stegosaurus #5698
Fabric-1/2 or 1 yard piece #4575 Teddy's Ocean Voyage/Teddy's Adventures-Pirate Astronaut Sailor Pilot/polka dots/In The Beginning/cotton
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd #4885/Dinosaurs All Over Large Print/Jungle/Green/Timeless Treasures/TRex/Brontosaurs/Triceratops/Stegosaurus/pterodactyl
Realistic Dinosaur Fabric-1/2 or 1yd #4810/tan blue green black/Timeless Treasures/TRex/Brontosaurs/Triceratops/Stegosaurus/pterodactyl
Realistic Dinosaur Panel "Dino Battle" approx. 35x42" #4994/Four Seasons David Textiles/TRex/Raptors/pterodactyl/prehistoric Carnivore fight
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd #5033/Dinosaurs Roamed scenic/Brown Blue Green/Timeless Treasures/TRex/Brontosaurs/Triceratops/Stegosaurus/pterodactyl
Fabric-1yd piece #2929- Rigs N' Digs/Construction Equipment/dump trucks/rollers/loader/excavator/backhoe/Blank Textiles BRT5944
Fabric-One Snowy Day Panel #5494-approx 27x42"/snowman/animals/reindeer bunny bird squirrel fox badger/Maywood/see instore for coordinates
Fabric-Green Snow #5497/One Snowy Day/scatter dot/Maywood/see instore for coordinating fabrics
Fabric-1 yd piece #5057/Bramble Patch/green scatter dot/Maywood/see instore for coordinating fabrics
Fabric-Blue Snow #5496/One Snowy Day/scatter dot/Maywood/see instore for coordinating fabrics
Fabric-Red Snow #5498/One Snowy Day/scatter dot/Maywood/see instore for coordinating fabrics
Fabric-1 yd piece #5052/Bramble Patch/pink-peach toss birds/bluebird cardinal wren flowers/Maywood/see instore for coordinating fabrics
Fabric-1 yd piece #5054/Bramble Patch/green tossed daisy/daisies/Maywood/see instore for coordinating fabrics
Fabric-Furry Friends #5495/mouse cheese squirrel bunny guinea pig/One Snowy Day/scatter dot/Maywood/see instore for coordinating fabrics
more coming soon...
Fabric-1 yd piece #5055/Bramble Patch/yellow tossed daisy/daisies/Maywood/see instore for coordinating fabrics
more coming soon...
Fabric-5pc fat quarter bundle (b441) Bramble Patch/green tossed animals/fox bunny rabbit mouse guinea pig/birds/yellow daisies dots/Maywood
Fabric-5pc fat quarter bundle (b440) Bramble Patch/green peachy pink tossed animals/fox bunny rabbit guinea pig/birds/daisies dots/Maywood
Fabric-4pc fat quarter bundle (b439) Bramble Patch/white tossed animals/fox bunny rabbit mouse guinea pig/birds/yellow daisies dots/Maywood
Fabric-4pc fat quarter bundle (b442) Bramble Patch/white peach pink/tossed animals/fox bunny rabbit mouse guinea pig/birds/Maywood
Fabric-6pc fat quarter bundle (b433) Rainbow Packed Cats/Rainbow/paw print/Multi/MEOWZA/Timeless Treasures/red yellow pink purple green blue
Fabric -1/2 or 1yd piece #5029 Rainbow Packed Cats/Kitty Cat/Multi/MEOWZA Chong A Hwang Timeless Treasures/red yellow blue green purple pink
Fabric -1/2 or 1yd piece #5030 Rainbow Paw Prints/black/Kitty Cat/MEOWZA Chong A Hwang Timeless Treasures/red yellow blue green purple pink
Fabric -1/2 or 1yd piece #5031 Rainbow Multi/sky-outer space/MEOWZA Chong A Hwang Timeless Treasures/red yellow blue green purple pink
Fabric -1/2 or 1yd piece #5027 Rainbow Paint Splatter Lines on black/Fabric Traditions/red yellow blue green purple pink
Fabric -1/2 or 1yd piece #5028 Rainbow Geo Diamond/Swirling/Fantasy Forest Chong A Hwang/Timeless Treasures/yellow blue green purple pink
Fabric-1/2yd or 1yd piece #4301-On The Go Characters/Elephant Alligator penguin bird giraffe/planes trains automobiles/hot air balloon truck
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd piece #5511- Rainbow Music Notes on Blue background/Songs of Faith/Quilting Treasures
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd piece #5512- Rainbow Music Notes on White background/Songs of Faith/Quilting Treasures
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd piece #5510- Rainbow Music Notes on Taupe/Tan background/Songs of Faith/Quilting Treasures
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd #4806-Rainbow Music Notes/black background/notes treble clef/Elizabeth's Studio/red orange yellow green blue purple
Fabric-1/2 or 1yd #4804-White/Grey Music Notes/black background/notes treble clef/Elizabeth's Studio/fabric by the yard